Wednesday, July 20, 2005

A Couple of Random thoughts

Last night I had a totally out-of-body experience. I was walking home from dinner on my own and was thinking about how completely alone I was. Not that it was a bad thing, just kind of overwhelming how big the world is and how I am totally disconnected from everyone I know. Even mom and everyone here would not be able to get ahold of me if they wanted to when I'm walking alone-- no cell phone or anything! I was completely in my head thinking about that when all of a sudden I heard someone say "Hi Tess!" and I thought it must just be my imagination, but I turned around, and there was one of my students! It dawned on me at that moment that even though the world is very very big, you cannot be completely lost and alone. For heaven's sake, someone in China knows my name! How crazy is that?! Anyway... it was just a bit of a jarring and interesting feeling to have those two thoughts running through my mind at the very same time.
Another crazy thing: I find it hard to believe that China still has a population problem, not even because of the regulated-birth bit, but because of the crazy traffic and people being able to smoke anywhere and everywhere they choose (and they do! ick!). Not to sound politically incorrect or anything, but shouldn't more people be dying over here? Maybe there is something to that Chinese medicine thing...
I finally broke down and did the McDonald's comparison thing. I'm sorry to say that even a double-cheeseburger couldn't cure the cravings I've been having for cheese. And in fact, it made my craving for ground beef even worse! The place itself was really interesting, though. The colors are not the typical red and yellow-- they're much more up-to-date and modern. And it was two floors! I will, at this point, also admit that I've broken down and had some Hagen-Daaz as well. That, I am happy to say, was exactly the same, if not better than it is in America! Yea for "Western food" as it's called over here!
Anyway, 10 minutes to prep for my next class. Keep sending those e-mails, people! I miss you all so much! (My half-way point is this Saturday, for those of you counting!)


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